Pilates certification classes

Mary Chewning

Pilates Sports Center Certified Instructor

Mary was a fitness enthusiast for years, but after her daughter was born, she noticed that it was much harder to lose weight. She tried Pilates as an alternative to her previous exercise routines and she loved how it made her feel. Pilates made her increased her balance and made her stronger and more flexible. She loved how much better she felt after every workout. She decided to become a trainer and she completed her training with PSC in 2014. She loves learning new things from her peers at The Pilates Edge and other Pilates studios and using them to help improve the lives of her own clients. Mary has just begun her career as a trainer, and she is looking forward to all that she will learn in the years to come.

  • Arcus 2016 Level 1
  • PSC Certified – 2014
  • Support Your Floor(tm). March 2017
  • Diastasis Recti Recovery March 2017